New Educator Induction & Mentoring
Induction and Mentoring Handbook
Everything you need to know about the Induction and Mentoring Program with resources linked.
NPS Statement of Values and Commitment to Equity
NPS’s commitment to ongoing work around equity and active antiracism.
Checklist of Program Requirements in the first 5 Years
Great overview of the first 5 years - tracks a new educator's progress in meeting DESE and NPS program requirements.
Course Requirements for Educators in Their First 5 Years
Unit A and B educators complete course requirements in five NPS focus areas in their first 5 years.
Professional Learning Course Menus
Please refer to this folder in the Fall, Spring & Summer for updated professional learning opportunities.
New Educator Orientation with Presentation Links
Please access this year's agenda and presentation links here. The agenda is subject to change through August, please check back often.
Monthly Mentor Memos
Each month a mentor memo is sent out districtwide. The target audience is new educators in their first year and their mentors, however, memos often contain relevant information for educators in their first five years in NPS.
Mentor Facilitators and Schools
A list of mentor facilitators and schools.
Year 1, 15 Hour Log
Mentors and new educators collaborate to document 15 hours of mentoring time together. Required by Newton and DESE.
Years 2-3, 50 Hour Log
New educators document 50 hours of mentored experiences beyond the induction year. Required by Newton and DESE.
Facilitator Support Log
Mentor facilitators track the hours they work on mentoring as evidence for compensation and to provide feedback on our programming and compensation.
Mentor Training Resources
Please find additional Mentor training resources in this folder.