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visual representation of the tiered support  MTSS further described on this page


Maria Kolbe, Director of MTSS
(617) 559-6139 

Overview of MTSS

Newton Public Schools believes that all students are capable of success if given the appropriate academic, behavioral and social emotional supports.

Newton Public School has adopted the Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) framework to guide this work.  MTSS is designed to ensure that schools optimize data-driven decision making, progress monitoring, and evidence-based supports and strategies with increasing intensity to sustain student growth. MTSS is not just about tiered interventions, but rather how all the systems in a school or district fit together to ensure a high quality education for all students” (DESE, 2022).

MTSS Tiered Support System

The MTSS framework consists of three tiers of support.  Tiered instruction is a way of organizing school supports, but also guides how we communicate as grade-level teams, utilize student data, and center student belonging and connectedness alongside our academic data points. When a school is truly a multi-tiered system of support, all students are getting what they need, at the moment in time that they need it.  

Tier 1 the curriculum that all students receive access to based on their current learning needs.  

Tier 2 is designed for students who may need additional instruction, practice or scaffolds outside of the universally designed curriculum.  

If a student is still struggling with accessing curriculum in Tier 2, the student may be a candidate for  Tier 3 support.  At this level, students may receive more individualized and intensive instruction.  Students placement in the tiered support framework is determined by consistent data review cycles involving a variety of assessments.