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Supporting Social Emotional Learning in our Elementary Schools

Social-emotional development can be cultivated and social-emotional competencies can be reinforced and taught in a variety of ways.  NPS combines:

  • Explicit SEL instruction through free-standing lessons and activities 
  • Effective instructional practices that promote social-emotional learning,
  • Integrating and embedding social-emotional learning into academic areas,
  • Whole-School culture and climate strategies, and
  • Tiered social-emotional supports and service design and delivery.

The learning environments of classrooms and schools have a significant impact on each student’s sense of feeling seen, cared about, connected and supported, and ultimately their capacity and willingness to take the risks necessary to grow and learn. By taking this multi-pronged approach to social-emotional learning, NPS strives to ensure that all students have the opportunities to develop the skills, attitudes and behaviors to become knowledgeable, responsible, caring, and contributing members of their communities and our global society.

Social Emotional Competencies

Newton Public Schools will be utilizing the Panorama SEL platform within our elementary schools. Through evidence-based screeners and tools, student SEL skills will be measured through the following domains.