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Elementary Mathematics- Kindergarten through Grade 5

In accordance with the core values of the Newton Public Schools, teachers are expected to provide a mathematics program, which ensures that every child meets grade level benchmarks, and that every child is challenged at his or her appropriate level. We believe that student success in school mathematics depends on a combination of teacher skill, a strong core program, sufficient time for direct instruction, teacher-guided exploration of mathematical ideas, individual practice, class discussion, reasoning about mathematical concepts and solving non-routine problems.  

Teachers are supported in improving their practice as math teachers by a carefully designed and skillfully delivered professional development program, and by an elementary math coach who works with individual teachers and teacher teams to implement units and design daily lessons that maximize student learning.
After a thorough search process in the 2016-17 school year, a Program Search Committee recommended the adoption of Investigations 3 as Newton Public Schools’ elementary mathematics program. Implementation began in September 2017 in Grades 3 and 4, and continues in 2018 with Grades 1, 2 and 5.  Full implementation at the Elementary level was completed September 2019.