Fourth Grade Music Registration
Each year in fourth grade, students can enroll in introductory group lessons on band and string instruments at their school. Students will receive one 30-minute group lesson per week during the school day. This annual elective, fee-based program is available to students who desire to develop the skills to perform in band and orchestra ensembles starting in fifth grade and throughout their secondary years in the Newton Public Schools and beyond.
Lessons - 2024-25: Lessons will start at your school in mid-September after the music teacher completes the lesson schedule determined by the instruments selected in registration. Your child's music teacher will provide schedules and other details in September.
Registration-4th Grade Music
2024-2025 Registration Opens on June 17th.
Annual registration opens in June and continues through the start of the lesson program in September. Families will register using their MySchoolBucks account. Before the end of the school year, music teachers will conduct an instrument demonstration and survey with the third-grade students to gather preliminary interest in the program and which instrument. Parents must follow through in registering their students on their instrument of choice. Parents requesting financial assistance can apply through their MySchoolBucks account.
Need a MySchoolBucks account? How to register using MSB.
Program Fees
Newton Public Schools charges an annual $200 participation fee. This fee will be paid through your MySchoolBucks account. An additional cost is incurred for renting or leasing an instrument.
For more information about setting up a MySchoolBucks account and paying fees, visti the NPS Fee Payment and Waiver site and watch the video at the bottom.
Fee Waivers
Newton Public Schools ensures access to this program for all students regardless of their ability to pay the fee. Fee waivers include access to a district-owned instrument. Registration with fee waivers is available on MySchoolBucks. Applications for Financial Assistance are now processed using Aspen. Instructions for Financial Assistance Form
Instruments: Students in fourth grade have a choice of nine band and orchestra instruments
- Band Instruments
- String Instruments
- Special Considerations for Select Instruments
- Instrument Vendors, Method Books & Accessories
- Important Considerations for Parents/Guardians