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Fifth Grade Band & Orchestra Ensembles Registration

Fifth Grade Band & Orchestra Ensembles Registration

band of children playing instruments

Students who return in fifth grade to play in their elementary school band or orchestra will experience their first year in an instrumental ensemble. Band and Orchestra ensembles meet once per week for a rehearsal class that is scheduled during the school day. This annual program is a fee- based, elective program for students who desire to continue to develop their instrumental skills in order to perform in the elective band and orchestra ensembles starting in the sixth grade and throughout their secondary years in the Newton Public Schools and beyond.

Rehearsals are held once a week in the mornings or at a time during the school day. Schedules vary by school and are aligned with the fifth-grade schedule. There will be a minimum of two concerts during the year, a winter concert and an end-of-year concert. Additional performance opportunities may be scheduled at the teacher’s discretion.

Registration-5th Grade Band & Orchestra Ensembles

Annual registration opens in June and continues through the start of ensemble rehearsals in September.  As soon as we return to school each fall, music teachers will contact students who completed the fourth-grade lesson program with details about the start of band and orchestra. Families will register using their MySchoolBucks account. 

Need a MySchoolBucks account? How to register using MSB.

Program Fees

Newton Public Schools charges an annual $200 participation fee. This fee will be paid through your MySchoolBucks account. An additional cost is incurred for renting or leasing an instrument.

For more information about setting up a MySchoolBucks account and paying fees, visti the NPS Fee Payment and Waiver site and watch the video at the bottom.

Fee Waivers

Newton Public Schools ensures access to this program for all students regardless of their ability to pay the fee. Fee waivers include access to a district-owned instrument. Registration with fee waivers is available on MySchoolBucks. Applications for Financial Assistance are now processed using Aspen. Instructions for Financial Assistance Form


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