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All City Music Ensembles

Newton Public Schools All-City Music Ensembles provide students who have a deep commitment to singing or playing their musical instruments with an opportunity to join like-minded students from across the district in an extra-curricular performance ensemble. Students are selected by audition in the late spring or fall and rehearsals are held after-school at least one afternoon per week.

Eligibility: Participation in an All-City Music Ensemble is restricted to students currently enrolled in Newton Public Schools and Newton students who reside in Newton and are Home Schooled.

Participation in the All-City Music Ensembles is a fee-based extra-curricular program. Students who are selected for their ensemble will receive a registration invoice from the NPS Business office.  The annual participation fee is $150* and financial assistance waivers are available to qualifying families who apply. Registrations and fee payments will be completed online through the students' MySchoolBucks accounts. 

Registration-All City Ensembles

Registration for All-City Music Ensembles is to be completed on MySchoolBucks after auditions and selection into an All-City music ensemble.  Soon after students are selected for an ensemble, the NPS Business office will send parents a registration invoice for $150 to be paid through their child's MySchoolBucks account.  Need a MySchoolBucks account? How to register using MSB.


Program Fees

Newton Public Schools charges an annual $200 participation fee. This fee will be paid through your MySchoolBucks account. An additional cost is incurred for renting or leasing an instrument.

For more information about setting up a MySchoolBucks account and paying fees, visti the NPS Fee Payment and Waiver site and watch the video at the bottom.

* Students in the fourth and fifth grade who have registered and paid a fee to participate in their school band or orchestra are exempt from paying the participation fee for All-City Band, Orchestra, and Treble Singers.

Fee Waivers

Newton Public Schools ensures access to this program for all students regardless of their ability to pay the fee. Fee waivers include access to a district-owned instrument. Registration with fee waivers is available on MySchoolBucks. Applications for Financial Assistance are now processed using Aspen. Instructions for Financial Assistance Form

All City Music Ensembles