Curriculum Departments
Curriculum Coordinators collaborate with High School Department Heads to:
- Align Newton Public Schools’ curriculum to the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks incorporating the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and English Language Arts, and the Next Generation Science Standards.
- Align Newton Public Schools’ curriculum to research-based, nationally vetted standards in addition to Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks as appropriate.
- Ensure that skills, concepts and topics build sequentially from one grade to the next.
- Review programs and practices to reflect current research, and to ensure cultural breadth and educational efficacy.
- Organize and deliver professional learning that for teachers and support staff
- Enhance teachers’ expertise by providing multiple opportunities for teacher collaboration across schools, through professional development experiences and curriculum development work.
- Ensure that each teacher is well equipped to guide all students to mastery of curriculum content by providing culturally responsive unit designs, lesson plans, instructional materials, assessments, and specialized materials.
- Guide and support teachers and administrators in the implementation of research-based, culturally responsive instructional practices
- Collaborate with Special Educators and teachers of English Language Learners to maximize accessibility for every student.
- Review multiple data sources for evidence of the efficacy of our curriculum and instruction, and make appropriate adjustments.
- Supervise and evaluate teachers in either a primary or supporting role
- Provide leadership and curriculum and instructional perspective on district, inter-district, and state committees and advisory boards
Together, coordinators, teachers and administrators actively cultivate a culture of equity and excellence by creating and sustaining curriculum and instructional practices that lead to high quality learning for each and every student.