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English Language Learners

English Language Learners Registration Information

Registration is a multi-step process. Please review the steps below.

  1. Search for the school assigned to your address on the City of Newton’s Find My School website
    If your address is in a buffer zone, complete the buffer form
  2. Log into Registration Gateway and complete the enrollment application
  3. Gather required documents and upload the documents into Registration Gateway; We ask families to provide copies of all documents in English.
  4. If you live in a buffer zone, receive final school assignment 
  5. Complete English Language Learner Screening (if applicable)
  6. Immunizations must be determined compliant by school nurse prior to school attendance
  7. Attend meeting at assigned secondary school with student and school counselor (if applicable)

If you need assistance reading and answering registration questions in English, we have family liaisons who speak Spanish, Portuguese, Mandarin, Cantonese, and Korean available to help. For these or other languages please contact the ELL office. If you do not have an email address, please call (617) 559-6043 and leave a message. Voicemail will be checked on weekdays.

English Language Learner Screening

At the time of registration, all students entering the Newton Public Schools who speak a language other than, or in addition to, English at home are evaluated for English language proficiency via the English Language Learning (ELL) office. 

After a family completes their registration in Registration Gateway, an ELL family liaison, or English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher will call the family to complete an interview about their language use at home using these questions:

    • What are the languages spoken in your home?
    • What language(s) do the caregivers use with each other?
    • What language(s) do caregivers speak to the child?
    • What language(s) do the children speak to each other? (If applicable.)
    • What language(s) does the child speak to caregivers?
    • What percent of the time does the child speak English at home?

Students who speak a language other than, or in addition to, English may sit for an English test. Information from the assessment and interview provides the receiving teachers with language, cultural and background information on the incoming student. The results of the assessment are used to determine if the student will need English language instruction. If services are recommended, parents are advised of the program options. They have the right to accept or reject the services available. The ELL Office informs schools of the assessment results.

If your child is currently an ELL, or was exited from ELL, in your previous district, we encourage you to upload any pertinent documents into Registration Gateway.

The ELL Program serves approximately 800 students in grades K-12. Students and their families come to Newton for many different reasons; this impacts the length of time English language learners attend our schools. It is important to note that 26% of students in Newton come from homes where another language is spoken.

Registering for School?

If you are unable to read and answer the registration questions in English, please call Gayathri Natarajan at (617) 559-6043 to learn about resources that may be able to assist you. 

إذا كنت غير قادر على قراءة أسئلة التسجيل المسبق والإجابة عليها باللغة الإنجليزية ، فيرجى الاتصال بنا السيدة غياثري ناتاراجان على الهاتف ٦۱۷٥٥۹٦۰٤۳ لمعرفة المزيد حول الموارد التي قد تكون قادرة على مساعدتك

如果您在为孩子注册时,不能阅读或者回答英文问题,请打电话给 Gayathri Natarajan,她的电话是 (617) 559-6043,她可以向您提供更多资源帮助您。

Si vous ne pouvez pas lire et répondre aux questions de pré-inscription en anglais, vous êtes priés de contacter Gayathri Natarajan au (617) 559-6043 pour obtenir des renseignements sur les ressources disponibles pour vous aider.

אם אין באפשרותכם לקרוא או לענות על שאלון טרום-הרישום באנגלית, אנא התקשרו ל-Gayathri Natarajan  במספר 617-559-6043 לקבלת עזרה. 

事前登録の質問を英語で読み、答えることが難しい場合は、その手助けとなる情報を差し上げますので、Gayathri Natarajan 電話番号617-559-6043 までご連絡下さい。

가등록 하실 때 나오는 영어를 읽고 그 질문에 대답할 수 없으시면, 저희가 학부모님들께 언어적 지원이나 도움을 제공해 드릴 수 있으니, 담(Gayathri Natarajan)에게617-559-6043로 전화하여 알려주시기 바랍니다

Se você não entender e/ou responder às perguntas do formulário de pré-inscrição, que são feitas em inglês, entre em contato com a Sra. Gayathri Natarajan em (617) 559-6043, que poderá auxiliá-lo no processo.

  • Если Вы не можете прочитать и ответить на английском языке на вопросы предварительной регистрации, пожалуйста, позвоните Gayathri Natarajan по телефону (617) 559-6043, чтобы узнать о ресурсах, которые могут Вам помочь.

Si Ud. no puede leer ni contestar las preguntas de pre-inscripción en inglés, por favor, llame a Gayathri Natarajan a (617) 559-6043 para aprender sobre recursos que le podrían ayudar.