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COBRA Information

City of Newton Initial Cobra Notification

It is important that all covered individual (employee, spouse, and dependent children, if able) take time to read this notice carefully and be familiar with its contents.  If there is a covered dependent not living with you, please provide written notification to the City of Newton Human Resources Department at 1000 Commonwealth Avenue, Newton Centre, MA 02459 or at 617‑796‑1260 so a notice can be sent to them as well.

Under Federal COBRA law, The City of Newton is required to offer covered employees and covered family membership the opportunity for a temporary extension of health coverage (called “Continuation Coverage”) at group rates when coverage under the plan would otherwise end due to certain qualifying events.  This notice is intended to inform you and your covered dependents, if any), in a summary fashion of your potential future options and obligations under the continuation coverage provisions of COBRA law.  Should an actual qualifying event occur in the future, the Benefits Manager will send you additional information and the appropriate election notice at that time.  Please take special note, however, of your notification obligations, which are highlighted at the bottom of this page!