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Weather Information and School Closings

Weather Information and School Closings

Below please find details about our winter weather school operations and closings.


The decision to close or delay school is made by the superintendent, in consultation with the Police Department and the Department of Public Works. Safety is our number one priority as we consider the weather forecast, as well as street, sidewalk, and school parking lot conditions. We are very sensitive to the childcare challenges that you face when schools are closed and only do so if our analysis indicates we should.

Notification System (Email, Social Media, Website, TV/Radio)

Typically, you will be notified of a school closing or delay by 6:00 a.m. of the day in question. There may be occasions when a decision can be made the previous evening, but typically it will not be made until the day of. As soon as a decision has been made, you will be notified through the following methods:

  • Phone/Email –We will call the phone number(s) designated by you in Aspen. Please make sure this phone number, and all of your child's emergency information, is kept up to date at all times. Here is a link to the Aspen Parent Portal. You may also call (617) 559-9699 for a pre-recorded message.

  • TV/Radio- Notification will be given to WBZ Channel 4, WCVB Channel 5, WHDH Channel 7, Fox25 Channel 25, 1030 AM (radio) and WRKO 680 AM (radio).

  • Social Media/Website - Notification will be posted on the district website  as well as the following social media channels:



Delayed Openings

In addition to school closings, we may also use a delayed opening. The delayed opening means the school start time will be delayed either one or two hours (whichever is deemed appropriate). Should there be a delayed opening, students will be expected to go to their bus stop or to leave their homes (if they walk) one (or two) hours after their regularly scheduled time. The bus company and crossing guards will know of the delay and will be there to transport and assist students.

Newton Early Childhood Program (NECP)

In the case of a two-hour delay, all preschool classes and therapy sessions at the Newton Early Childhood Program will be canceled. With a one-hour delay, therapy sessions before 10:00 a.m. will be canceled. If a storm occurs during a school day, school will usually remain in session.

Storm During School Day

If a storm occurs during a school day, school will usually remain in session. We are advised by the Police Department that once students are in school, it is more advantageous to keep them in school rather than release them early. The reasons are several: (1) the City has more time to service major accesses to and from schools prior to dismissal; (2) parents of many younger children may not be home to receive them; and (3) drivers may not be as cautious during hours that they expect students to be in school. However, parents should also make certain that their child knows where to go in the event schools have to be dismissed early. Should an early dismissal be necessary, we will utilize our phone, email and text notification systems, as well as radio/television stations, website, social media, and the dedicated emergency telephone line.

Before and After School Care Programs and After School Activities (athletics, clubs, etc.)

When school is canceled due to inclement weather, Before and After School Care Programs are also canceled. If the opening is delayed, Before School Programs are canceled, but after school programs continue as scheduled.

No School Days and Vacation Weeks

During days when school is not in session, including vacation weeks, if school buildings are closed due to inclement weather, all programs taking place in the buildings will also be canceled. To confirm the building is closed, you may call: 617-559-9020.

The City of Newton has important information on operations during a winter storm. 

City of Newton Winter Storm Information

Following a storm, many students will need to walk safely to school in the winter weather. NPS has worked closely with the City's Department of Public Works (DPW) to create maps of sidewalks that will be plowed to ensure students  can walk safely. 

Follow the link below to view a map of the city and the snow plow routes. 

Sidewalk Snow Plow Routes in Newton