The Horace Mann Elementary project was officially added to the City's Capital Improvement Plan in 2022.
The Horace Mann renovation and addition project will add a new cafeterium, music room and 6 classrooms, and will reconfigure existing space to create a new library/media center as well as other interior modifications. The project is anticipated to be completed by September of 2026.
Project information and School Building Committee meeting presentations and recordings can be found on the Horace Mann Project website. Additional project information can be found below and on Newton Public Buildings’s Horace Mann Project webpage.
Below are links to documents related to both the short term work and the long term project.
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It is anticipated that the feasibility study will be completed this spring, with design complete by the end of 2024. Construction is expected to start in the winter of 2025 and be complete by the fall of 2026. This timeline may need to shift depending on the final design and construction logistics.