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SAWG Phase 2 (2017-18)

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If you have thoughts, questions or concerns, please contact the Student Assignment Working Group. You can also email us to be placed on the distribution list to receive regular updates on the process. 

Phase 2 - Student Assignment Review - 2017-18

The second phase of the Student Assignment Working Group (SAWG) was completed in the 2017-18 school year. The process was implemented in advance of the completion of the renovation/addition of Cabot Elementary and in anticipation of the move of students at the Horace Mann building to the Carr building, which had previously been used as swing space during construction at Angier and Zervas. The process was designed to ease overcrowding at Cabot, Horace Mann, Lincoln-Eliot, Ward, and Underwood.

Objectives of SAWG Phase 2

  • Expand Cabot district to ease crowding at nearby schools
  • Review Day and Bigelow feeder patterns
  • Adjust school district boundaries for new school locations of Horace Mann and Lincoln-Eliot
  • Remain consistent values (minimize family and community impact) identified in 2015 process for Angier and Zervas


Timeline with upcoming dates
