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District Strategic Plan and Goals

Portrait of a Learner Design Team

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Portrait of a Learner

What is the Portrait of a Learner?

Newton Public Schools is in the process of developing our Portrait of a Learner. What is a Portrait of a Learner? It is a collective vision that articulates our community’s aspirations for ALL of our students. This is a first step in framing a clear vision for our school system.

Who will develop it?

The Portrait will be developed by the community in the form of a “Portrait Design Team.” The design team will include individuals across and throughout Newton. The team will consist of approximately 50 percent community members and 50 percent NPS educators. 

While the design team will lead the process, feedback and information will be sought from the entire community in the form of surveys and community sessions.

Our Portrait of a Learner will serve as the North Star for our schools, bringing our community together with a shared vision. It will be locally developed and globally positioned with a shared aspiration that all of our students have an educational experience that prepares them to be lifelong learners and contributors.

We look forward to your participation!

Mission of the Newton Public Schools

To educate, prepare, and inspire all students to achieve their full potential as lifelong learners, thinkers, and productive contributors to our global society.

Systemwide Goals

Each year, the district identifies goals for the school year. These goals are developed by the superintendent and reviewed by the School Committee. Below you will find the systemwide goals approved by the School Committee for the 2022-23 school year.

District Goals for 2024-2025.pdf

Core Values

The following Core Values are guiding principles for the Newton Public Schools (NPS). These values represent how we want to “live” within our school communities. Core Values are for children and adults to embrace, internalize, model and live by. They are an expression of what is deep and enduring in our school system.

Excellence: We will

  • Set high expectations and standards for all students and staff
  • Educate the whole child by striving for excellence in academic, artistic, physical, interpersonal and vocational pursuits
  • Inspire a lifelong love of learning in students and staff

Innovation: We will

  • Be a recognized leader in education and curriculum development
  • Foster inventiveness, open-mindedness, critical thinking, creativity and collaborative problem-solving in our students and staff
  • Continuously assess and improve our teaching and learning

Respect: We will

  • Create an environment where everyone feels known, safe, and valued
  • Recognize the uniqueness and dignity of individuals of differing races, religions, classes, ethnicities, sexual orientations, learning styles and abilities (Statement of Values and Commitment to Racial Equity)
  • Build upon the strengths of our diverse community

Responsibility: We will

  • Foster an environment in which all students and adults take responsibility for their individual and collective behavior
  • Create a culture of collaboration, collegiality and honest communication
  • Cultivate citizens who contribute to and care about their community and the world