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As our world becomes more interconnected, what better way for your family to learn about China than to host a student or teacher from Newton's partner school?

Share your home, your family traditions, and American culture with a Chinese exchange student or teacher for the fall. Participants all speak English and are eager to learn about American culture and to share their culture with you. Beijing Jingshan exchange students and teachers arrive mid-September and depart mid-January. Students attend regular classes at the high schools. Teachers teach in our schools. Lunches are provided. Participants may travel over some holidays.

Host families do not have to have students in high school to participate. Families with younger children also make strong connections with the visitors.

"We have been pleasantly surprised as to the ease of integration we have had with our Beijing Jingshan student... She reached out to us from China before the program began and we felt like we already knew her when she arrived. Her outgoing and curious personality has guided her approach to living in our household. She has been willing to try every experience we have presented, taste every food we put on her plate, and engage with our family at every opportunity. She is warm. She is interesting. She is fun. Her smile lights up a room and she fills our house with laughter. It is nice to finally have a daughter, albeit for only four months. We could not be happier that we chose to host a student through the exchange program." - Host Parent 2012-13

To explore this unique opportunity, please contact Star Lew, Program Specialist, at