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1:1 Technology Program Overview

1:1 Technology Overview

We believe that technology tools, when used appropriately, can provide deeper conceptual knowledge and new ways of acquiring valuable skills. Though these are not the only uses, we recognize that technology can allow students to visualize content in new and unique ways; becoming creators of their own learning while demonstrating knowledge in authentic, meaningful and relevant formats. By incorporating technology into the classroom regularly, and when appropriate to learning, we can better ensure students develop the skills necessary to be powerful and responsible users of the digital world we live in.

The following devices are available to students this year:

  • Kindergarten: 1 iPad for every 2 students. Devices will remain in the classroom.
  • Grades 1-2: 1 iPad for every student. Devices will be assigned to students and remain in the classroom. Occasionally devices may travel home as needed to support a particular learning activity.
  • Grades 3-5: 1 Chromebook for every student. Devices will be assigned to students and remain in the classroom. Older students may begin taking devices home as needed for learning activities and to help prepare students for the middle school 1:1 model.
  • Grades 6-10: 1 Chromebook for every student. Devices are assigned to students and are used in school and at home.
  • Grades 11-12: Bring your own device with the option to borrow an NPS device if students do not have a personal device.

By providing all students with a device, we accomplish a number of goals:

  • On demand use of technology in the classroom
  • Equitable access to technology in the classroom and at home
  • Streamlined management and troubleshooting of devices

The 1:1 program eliminates the need for advanced planning and sign-ups for labs and technology carts. The devices can be incorporated into lessons with greater ease, and used spontaneously when lessons take an unexpected turn where technology could provide an added lens on learning.