Library Media Department Vision: To prepare all students to succeed as life-long learners, independent thinkers, knowledge creators and problem solvers.
The Library Media Program strives to ensure that every student is information literate and proficient in the use of information in all formats, including current and emerging technologies. We will provide curriculum instruction and professional development opportunities to enable students and teachers to use technology creatively and effectively for teaching and learning, and to construct and communicate new knowledge.
Through effective teaching and engaging learning experiences, we will create a community of life-long learners, critical thinkers, insightful readers, and ethical users of information resources prepared to participate in an evolving global society.
The Library Media Team supports and guides all K - 12th Grade learners as they build reading, research, and digital literacy skills, providing direct instruction, modeling and co-teaching. The role of the Library Teacher has grown beyond the walls of the traditional library and they have become global curators for the learning community.