Parent(s) or guardian(s) planning to undertake a home education program for their child(ren) shall inform the Newton Public Schools by submitting a Notice of Intent to Pursue a Program of Home Education fourteen (14) days prior to withdrawing the student from school, or by August 31 of the appropriate school year.
According to Newton School Committee Policy, the parent/guardian of a homeschooled student(s) must register the student(s) with Newton Public Schools, provide proof of residency and verify the student´s address annually when applying for home education approval.
Proof of Residency for the initial registration includes one document for Proof of Residency and two documents for Proof of Occupancy. Additional details of acceptable documentation can be found on the Important Registration and Residency Information page.
Home education plans are approved for one year only. Parent(s) or guardian(s) must resubmit notification on an annual basis as long as the student is being educated in the home-based environment.
The home education program shall be considered in an equitable, objective, and timely manner. Factors that may be considered by the superintendent or his/her designee in deciding whether or not to approve a home education proposal are:
- The academic background, life experiences and/or other qualities of those who will be instructing child(ren), as they relate to the educational program. Home educators need not be certified teachers nor have any diplomas or degrees.
- An overview of the educational plan for the student including the content, instructional materials, duration and frequency of instruction, methods of instruction, and evaluation. This plan should enable the student to make adequate progress in the areas that Massachusetts identifies as essential. In order to meet the specific educational needs of their child(ren), the parent(s) or guardian(s) may adjust the material to achieve the goals of the educational program without further notification to the superintendent's office.
- A statement concerning instructional hours that will be followed. Massachusetts State Law requires a minimum of 900 hours of instructional time per year for elementary students and 990 hours per year for secondary students.
- A mutually agreeable method of progress reporting which corresponds to the type of educational program being followed. This should include a summary of learning with one or two work samples that illustrate understanding of a concept. Parent(s) or guardian(s) may also submit a progress report from any online program the student may be enrolled in during the year.
Within one week of the ending date of the home instruction, Newton Public Schools will email the parents or legal guardian a reminder about submitting a progress report. The report should be emailed to the NPS Home Education Office within 30 days. This progress report must be returned before annual approval of home instruction can be made for any succeeding years.