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Alcohol Use: Rules & Permit Requests

Steps for Submitting a Request to Serve Alcohol

  1. Request a Use of Building Permit for the event.
  2. Obtain permission from the Newton Public Schools School Committee to serve alcohol by submitting a letter to the School Committee requesting permission to serve alcoholic beverages. Include in the letter the approved USB schedule ID number provided in your approved permit from Step 1.
  3. Complete an application through the City of Newton Board of Licensing for a one-day permit.
  4. Send a copy of your approved permit, from the Newton Police Chief, to the Facilities office for review and approval.

    Mail to:
    NPS Facilities
    100 Walnut Street
    Newtonville, MA 02460

Rules Pertaining to Alcohol at an Event

Consistent with current Massachusetts law Chapter 272, sec. 40a, neither the sale nor the use of alcoholic beverages is permitted in school buildings or on school grounds.  The law permits the School Committee to grant permission to public or non-profit organizations to possess and sell alcoholic beverages in a school building during non-school hours provided the organization is properly licensed under the provisions of M.G.L.c 138, sec.14.  

The NPS School Committee will consider granting one-time requests from public or non-profit organizations that wish to serve alcohol at an event during non-school hours in school buildings or on school grounds.  
Each applicant is required to obtain permission from the NPS School Committee, approval of the Newton Police Chief , and a one-day permit from the Newton Board of Licensing Commissioners. Permission is contingent upon satisfying the NPS School Committee's requirements.  The link to the School Committee policy and necessary forms are below: