Walking and Biking to School
Walking and Biking to School
Newton is a city with neighborhood schools, which means that students often live quite close to their school, especially at the elementary level. For many students, walking or biking to school is a safe, efficient, and quick way to go to and from school.
To assist those walking or biking to school, Newton provides crossing guards at various locations.
Many of our schools have Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS) teams that provide additional information about established walking/biking routes and how families can help their students learn to safely walk or bike to school. On the Safe Routes to School website, you can find crowd-sourced bike routes to secondary schools. These crowd-sourced routes are starting points for you to discover your own safe route to school. We recommend that you test these routes with your student and see what works best for them.
Are you a Brown/Oak Hill family? Our Brown and Oak Hill principals participated in a Safe Routes to School video project to improve safety at their schools. You can view it here: