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School Transportation Steering Group

School Transportation Steering Group

The School Transportation Steering Group has been established in conjunction with Newton Public School Managerial Goal #1 - School Facilities - Conduct planning to address transportation-related student safety and health, traffic congestion, and impact of district initiatives and elementary district boundary changes.

Create a coherent transportation policy in partnership with the City that addresses and improves the safety of students, pedestrians, cyclists and drivers, reduces vehicular congestion, rationalizes parking and promotes transportation mode shifts in the community, and increases walking, biking, bus riding and carpooling to school. 

Anticipated NPS Actions:

  • Develop district policy that incorporates several approaches (including SRTS National Partnership) that would guide schools in a comprehensive manner
  • Conduct planning to address transportation-related student safety and health, traffic congestion, and impact of district initiatives and elementary district boundary changes.

Anticipated Joint City and NPS Actions:

  • Promote increased walking, biking and shared rides to school
  • Promote increase bus use through incentives and availability
  • Identify bus funding sources and/or cost reduction opportunities
  • Prioritize Complete Streets strategies, signage and signals and other infrastructure changes for streets surrounding schools
  • Improved enforcement of traffic rules and blue zones around schools
  • Improved maintenance and plowing of school route sidewalks and streets