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Bus Registration

Registration Information

Bus registration for the 2024-25 school year is now OPEN. 

Below are the steps to register for the bus:

  1. Log in or create an account on MySchoolBucks, the NPS online bus registration portal.
  2. Follow these instructions to complete your registration in MySchoolBucks.

A few helpful hints for bus registration:

  • Bus passes are required for all students in grades K-12 who wish to ride the bus. 
  • Determine the distance from your residence to your assigned school. This will help you determine if you pay a bus fee or not. Please visit the City of Newton site to Find Your Distance.
  • Bus fees can be found on this page: NPS Bus Fees
  • The bus registration portal in MySchoolBucks will prompt you to pay the bus fee if you are required to do so based upon your distance from your school, your grade level, and/or your financial assistance status.
  • Review your student's bus route. You can find the stops and schedules on this page: Bus Stops and Routes.

Reminder: all students must have a bus pass to ride the bus. When you register, you will be prompted to pay the fee, or select the installment payment plan, if you are required to pay the fee. Payment will not be requested if you are not required to pay based on your distance or financial aid status.

Private School Families: Please visit the private school transportation webpage for updates and information.

Find and Print/Save Bus Pass in Aspen

Instructions for downloading a bus pass from Aspen are as follows:

1) Log into Aspen*

2) Click on Family Tab at the top

3) Click on Child's Name

4) Click on Documents Side Tab

5) Look for and download Bus Pass 2022-2023 document