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The NPS transportation system is complex as there are local, state, and federal regulations with which we must comply.
The Newton Public Schools transportation department is committed to ensuring students are transported safely to and from school. Students in the Newton Public Schools typically arrive at school in one of three ways – walk, bike, or bus. In addition, some families choose to drive students to school. 

Find and Print/Save Bus Pass in Aspen

Instructions for downloading a bus pass from Aspen are as follows:

1) Log into Aspen*

2) Click on Family Tab at the top

3) Click on Child's Name

4) Click on Documents Side Tab

5) Look for and download Bus Pass 2022-2023 document

Contact Information

Regina Moody
Transportation Director
Kristen Correia
Transportation Assistant
Newton Public Schools 
Transportation Office, Room 206
100 Walnut Street
Newtonville, MA 02460

Transportation News

Bus registration for the 2024-25 school year is now OPEN. 

Bus registration takes place in MySchoolBucks. Follow these instructions once logged into MySchoolBucks.

For details on bus registration, please visit the Registration webpage.

Please note the following:

  • The bus fee is $400 with a family cap of $800. 

  • All elementary students who reside LESS than 2 miles from their elementary school and wish to ride the bus must pay a bus fee.

  • Elementary students (and Grade 6 students) who reside MORE than 2 miles from their elementary school and wish to ride the bus DO NOT pay a bus fee.

  • All students in grades 7-12 pay the bus fee if they wish to ride the bus.

Financial assistance is available to those who qualify. To apply, please fill out the financial assistance application form found in Aspen.