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Newton Public Schools promotes recycling in its classrooms and school buildings. In May 2019, the School Committee approved a policy on recycling

Recycling Posters for Classrooms and School Buildings

Our partners in the City of Newton have developed student-friendly signage to encourage recycling in our classrooms and buildings. To order trash/recycling/food scrap signs and for other related questions, please visit the City of Newton Recycling Webpage. Or, you can email them directly.

Textile Recycling

Newton Public Schools (NPS) recently signed an agreement with Helpsy, a for-profit B Corp committed to changing the way people think about clothing donations. Helpsy collects unwanted textiles, including shoes, for reuse and recycling. In Newton, using Helpsy bins to collect unwanted textiles will help Newton to do the following:

  1. Keep textiles out of the waste stream
  2. Meet environmental and waste reduction goals
  3. Generate a modest amount of revenue

Importantly, the use of Helpsy bins will give Newton a head start in complying with the Massachusetts ban on disposal of textiles in the wastestream, which goes into effect in November 2022.

To make donations easy and convenient for Newton residents, Helpsy textile collection bins are now being placed at several school buildings throughout the city. Bin locations have been planned in coordination with school principals, the Parks and Recreation department, and the school district facilities department. The locations were selected to ensure the bins were easy to access, service, and clear, but would not interfere with school operations or block visibility for pedestrians, cyclists and drivers. Find a bin on the Helpsy website.

NPS will be reviewing bin locations over the summer of 2022 to ensure they meet the identified criteria. If you have questions or concerns, please email.

Helpsy will empty the bins regularly and remove the donated materials. They are responsible for ensuring that the bins are in good condition and serviced regularly. To view a list of acceptable items that may be placed in the bins, please visit this link: Acceptable textiles for Helpsy bins. The NPS Facilities Department is the primary point of contact for any questions related to the bins.

We are excited to be implementing this important sustainability initiative and look forward to offering this service to Newton residents. More information will be shared via schools as the bins are placed and become operational.

Please see below for answers to Frequently Asked Questions.

Frequently Asked Questions - Textile Recycling