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Newton Public Schools is working to reduce energy use and to increase the use of renewable sources of energy. Working with city partners, we are using tools such as LED lighting, demand response programs, and solar canopies to reduce energy use. We are also accessing utility rebates and State Green Communities Grants to off-set installation of some of these new green initiatives. 

We also support Newton Power Choice, a city-wide initiative to encourage residents and businesses in Newton to buy renewable electricity. Electricity customers who take no action at all buy renewables to match 60% of their electricity use.  The City of Newton has engaged in a friendly competition with the City of Brookline to see who can get the most people to sign up for 100% renewable electricity. Find out more at Newton Power Choice..

Newton Power Choice

The Newton Community Solar Share Initiative is another terrific program offered by the City of Newton in which households eligible for Eversource's low-income electricity rate can obtain additional savings on their electricity bills based upon credits generated by the solar paneled carport at 70 Elliot Street.

Most notable is our commitment to installing solar canopies on school building rooftops and in parking lots. In 2012, the City of Newton developed a three phase process for installing solar panels at school facilities. Tremendous progress has been made though timelines have been adjusted in response to rebate incentives offered by the state and in a concerted effort to limit construction impact on school operations. Please see the chart below for the locations of the solar panels and the timeline for installation.

HeatSmart Newton is a collaboration among the City, Green Newton, Newton Mothers Out Front, and 350 Mass Newton Node.  It is an important component of the Newton Climate Action Plan goal of putting our community on the path to net-zero carbon.

This program offers information on energy-efficient air source heat pumps for heating, cooling, and hot water with a City-vetted heat pump installer.  Heat pumps provide air conditioning and heating, and avoid the use of high-cost and polluting fuels like heating oil.  And no more lugging window air conditioners twice a year! 

Get a free proposal, and spread the word to your friends and neighbors.  To learn more, visit HeatSmart Newton.

Solar Panel and LED Lighting Installations - Phasing

Over the past several years, NPS has worked closely with the City of Newton to install solar panels on school building rooftops and LED lighting on school property. Significant progress has been made in several of our buildings and more work is planned. Please follow for updates on solar panel locations, LED lighting installations, and plans for the future.

Solar Impact

See real time data on the positive impact of our solar projects.

Newton North