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Employee Reimbursement

Employee Reimbursements

Employee reimbursements may be approved when the following criteria cannot be met:

  • The purchase cannot be made directly to the vendor through the City’s accounts payable system
  • Purchase orders are not accepted by the vendor and cannot be procured

If a purchase is deemed necessary, employees must complete an Employee
Reimbursement Form. The following items are required by the City to review and
process forms:

  • An itemized receipt, including the vendor name, date of purchase, the full amount paid, and method of payment
  • If payment was made by check, a copy of the front and back of the canceled check or a bank statement showing the cashed check
  • For cash payments, the itemized receipt must clearly state the transaction was made with cash and include the vendor name, date of purchase, and full amount paid

Credit card statements are only acceptable as secondary proof of purchases made. If
any of the required items are missing from the reimbursement packet sent to Payroll,
the reimbursements will be returned to the employee for updating before resubmission
to the City for final approval.

When submitting employee reimbursements, please ensure that the form includes:

  • Employee name
  • Employee number
  • Complete descriptions of the item(s)
  • Charge codes for the reimbursement
  • Employee and department head signatures

Conference/Event Protocols

When submitting a reimbursement for a conference, registration, or event, please include a program flyer or paperwork identifying the event dates and location, as this information must coincide with your reimbursement receipts and requests. 

Additional information regarding employee, travel, and food reimbursement policies can be found in the BFP Forms folder.