Business, Finance & Planning
BFP Department Overview
BFP Department Overview
The Business, Finance & Planning Department, under the guidance of the Assistant Superintendent/Chief Financial and Administrative Officer, is responsible for all non-instructional components of the district, including:
- Budgeting
- School facility planning
- Enrollment analysis and forecasting
- Facility maintenance
- Payroll
- Accounts payable
- Purchasing
- Transportation
- School operations and grants
- Food Services
- Legal compliance with state reporting requirements
In addition to managing the day-to-day operations of the school department with an annual budget of $260 million, the district employs over 2,000 people, transports thousands of students to school each day, and safely maintains 23 school buildings with nearly 12,000 students.
In conjunction with the school committee, the Mayor of Newton, and City department heads, the district recently completed three major elementary school building projects at Angier, Zervas and Cabot schools. In addition, a major renovation of the former Horace Mann elementary school at 687 Watertown Street was completed in December of 2022 to be the new home for the Newton Early Childhood Program.
The Business, Finance & Planning department continues to focus on enrollment planning and long range facility planning and is currently working on projects for the Lincoln-Eliot, Countryside, Franklin and Horace Mann Elementary Schools.
Business & Finance Staff Directory
Business & Finance Staff Directory
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