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Resources for Students-High

High School Resources

As of May of 2010,  bullying prevention legislation mandates reporting of all incidents of bullying both in and outside of school. And if, after an investigation, an allegation of bullying is found to be true, this will go in the aggressor's permanent record. To put it simply: if your actions are found to be deliberately and repeatedly targeting another individual (including in retaliation for something someone did to you), then your school will take disciplinary action.  

Bullying is serious stuff and the Newton Public Schools is taking it seriously.

As a high school student, you are a role model for your siblings, your peers, and others. More than ever, how you conduct yourself matters. How you treat others matters. The Newton Public Schools believes that a student's education extends beyond the classroom -- to the hallways, the bus, the locker room, the cafeteria and even online.  

In recent years, there has been a lot of media coverage about bullying -- including the most extreme cases, is which kids were so desperate, lonely, and depressed after being bullied that they were driven to suicide. 

We challenge you to consider these questions: 

  • What can I do to stop bullying? 
  • How will I reach out to kids in my school who might be targets? 
  • What can I do to make my school a place where everyone can feel accepted for who they are?