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Information For Students

Information for Students

Welcome, student! Thank you for taking the brave first step of educating yourself about bullying. You are an important part of making your school a place where all students feel safe and respected and do their best academically. What will you do to make your school a better place?

This section of the website, geared toward students, is designed to help you learn more about bullying. There are sections for elementary, middle, and high school students.

Look through these pages to understand questions such as “What is bullying?” and “What should I do if I am bullied?” We have included some resources for you not only to get more information on what bullying is, but to understand how to report an incident of bullying and what your parents and your school can do to help.

If, after reading the information on these pages, you believe that you or another student in your school has been a victim of bullying, you may file a report. We know it is sometimes difficult to report bullying behaviors and we will do everything we can to keep you safe.

The Newton Public Schools takes bullying very seriously and so should you. You can report an incident of bullying in person at school or download a form from this site and turn it in at school. You can also report anonymously. Please note that while you do not have to give your name or email address when reporting, if you don’t, we will not have a way to contact you to help. You should also be aware that false accusations, filling out a report to “get back at someone” or just because you don’t like them, will not be tolerated and could result in disciplinary action.

Finally, please note that confidentiality laws prohibit educators from telling a student or parent specifics about any action taken against another student. No report will be ignored. And, though confidentiality requirements might mean that you won't get specific information about how the Newton Public Schools has followed up on your report, the person investigating the incident will keep you informed.