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Resources for Families-Middle

Resources for Families-Middle School

The Middle School Years are some of the most exciting - and challenging - years of a child and parent's lives. There is enormous intellectual and physical change, as well as a growing need for independence and emotional separation from parents. Your teen may seem like a stranger to you as s/he turns his or her focus to peers. As the focus turns more to the social relationships in his/her life, so too is exposure to bullying and cyberbullying.  As in elementary school, the teenage years very important to reinforce the value of respect and empathy. This section of the Newton Public Schools website provides resources on both "pro-social" (how to be a friend, how to respectfully disagree, etc.) prevention work, as well as understanding the dynamics of bullying and what to do about it.

As a parent, it is helpful to talk to your school staff as well - teachers, guidance department, principal or assistant principal. This page is meant to be a "go to" resource to learn more. We have put together a wealth of resources to parent your middle school child both now and as he or she matures.  Not all the information here will be relevant to your family right now, but it is here so that you can pick what you'd like to further explore.